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Life Disturbed

My Blog

This blog is the intersection of all of my passions. Writing, reading, connecting with others, storytelling, communication, organizing, nature, the universe – and so much more! It’s not about business here.

Here, you get a tiny glimpse into my head (sorry it’s such a mess in here).

Before reading on, here’s why my blog is called “Life Disturbed.” It’s not the connotation that you’re probably thinking. I don’t mean disturbed as in distressed, disrupted, or agitated. And I’m not talking about the heavy metal band from Chicago. I’m talking disturbed in the physics way. In her book Thank and Grow Rich, Pam Grout talks about the German physicist Heisenberg. He said that we change and affect everything we observe. She says, “Disturb to a physicist, means to change or modify the molecules, the atoms, the energy that makes up a physical thing. Everything I observe, everything I do, affects everything else.”

My goal (maybe it’s more of a challenge) is to be mindful and intentional about the way I affect the world around me, including but not limited to people, animals, plants, the ground beneath our feet, the sky above our heads…you get the picture. I know that there is a much bigger power at play. The universe has my back and I want to make sure I’m positively disturbing everything around me.

I’m glad you’re here.

Self-Sabotage Is A Bitch

Self-Sabotage Is A Bitch

It really is. You know what I’m talking about. That voice in your head. It tells you, “Nope. Don’t do that. That’s different. That’s a change. That feels scary. If you do that, something bad might happen. Yep – something bad is going to happen. For sure. You better...

See An Angel, Thank An Angel, Be An Angel

See An Angel, Thank An Angel, Be An Angel

Do you believe in angels? I do. I’ve seen and interacted with at least two of them. But, they sure didn’t look like the angels we see in movies or on artwork and statues. They didn’t look like Michael (starring John Travolta, cirlca 1996) or those ghostly figures that...

The Reset Button

The Reset Button

You can ask my husband and son, I am ANNOYINGLY punctual. Actually, punctual isn’t even accurate. I need to be early. To everything. I am that person who needs to arrive at the airport at least two hours early no matter the destination or what time the flight departs....


* indicates required

 “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

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